
2011 – present
Faculty of Physics University of Warsaw, assistant professor
Research Experience

August 201 2
August – September 2013

Ph.D., Biophysics
Ph.D. Studies at the Faculty of Physics
2006 – 2010
M.Sc., Organic Chemistry
B.Sc., Biotechnology
University of Warsaw, Faculty of Biology (with distinction)
Studies at the College of Inter – Faculty
2002 – 2006
Research Intrests
Co-author of >80 publications
H-index: 21
Number of citations: 1500
Complete bibliographic data available with ORCID number: 0000-0002-9174-7999
Jemielity J., Grudzien-Nogalska E., Kowalska J., Darzynkiewicz E., Rhoads R.E “Synthesis and use of anti-
reverse phosphorothioate analogs of the messenger RNA cap” – patent family including patents issued in
the US (2012), Poland (2013), Eurasia, Australia, and China. Licensed to BioNTech AG in 2010 and applied
in several clinical trials (mRNA based anticancer vaccines).
• Kowalska J. Jemielity J., Darżynkiewicz E., Rhoads R.E., Lukaszewicz M., Zuberek J. “mRNA Cap Analogs” US
patent family including patents issued in the US (2013), Poland (2013), Eurasia, and Australia. Licensed to
BioNTech AG in 2010.
• 4 other international patents
• 3 filled PCT patent applications
Research support
2016-2021 UMO-2015/18/E/ST5/00555 PI: Kowalska
Synthesis and evaluation of a novel toolkit for biology and biotechnology based on adenine nucleotides
analogs. Project supported by the National Science Center (Poland)
2014-2017 LIDER/000/14003/L-5/12/NCBR/2013 PI: Kowalska
New high throughput methods for screening for inhibitors of therapeutically relevant pyrophosphatases
based on fluorophosphate analogs of nucleotides. Project supported by the National Centre of Science and Development
2011- 2016 UMO-2011/01/D/ST5/05869 PI: Kowalska
Conjugates of analogs of mRNA 5′ end with nanomaterials and biomolecules of a potential application in
pharmacology or diagnostics. Project supported by the National Science Center (Poland)
Awards and Distinctions
•Nomination to European Inventor Award (2018, together with Jacek Jemielity and Edward
• Emerging Young Investigator invited speaker at XVIIth Symposium on Chemistry of Nucleic Acid
Components, Český Krumlov, Czech Republic, 2017
• A. Holy IRT Poster Award at the “21st International Round Table on Nucleosides, Nucleotides and
Nucleic Acids, Chemical Biology of Nucleic Acids” , Poznań, Poland (2014)
• University of Warsaw Rector’s Second Degree Award (2014)
• Prof. Stefan Pienkowski Award for scientific achievements (2013)
• START Fellowship for Young Scientists of the Foundation for Polish Science (2008 and 2009)
• L’Oreal for Women in Science Fellowship (Polish Edition, 2009)
• Rector Grzegorz Białkowski Award from Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw (shared with dr
Joanna Żuberek and dr Jacek Jemielity) for “Design and chemical synthesis of mRNA cap analogues
and biophysical studies of their interaction with protein factors” – (2008)